Note: Sometimes the game will auto save if you drop too many items. Sell the items to get as much gold as desired. Repeat this process as many times as desired. You will have all of the items and weapons you dropped back in your inventory, plus all of the items and weapons you dropped will still be on the ground. Instead, press the PS button, and choose to go to the dashboard. Once you have finished dropping the items, do not leave your inventory. Then, drop the items and weapons you want to duplicate. To duplicate crafting materials and weapons, enter another player's game online or through system link. If you did everything correctly, you can boot up your game and see all the hacks in action. Once you made your changes, you put the USB back into your PS4 and re-import your save file. It requires you to bring your save file from your PS4, onto a USB, then to your computer. Save Wizard works like any other save editor. Change how much gold, gems, and blood shards you have with the click of a button.

It has hacks available for over 1,000 PS4 games, including Diablo 3 ROS. Save Wizard is one of the biggest save editors for PS4.

The paid versions are paid because the people who made the hacks put a lot of time and energy to make them work flawlessly. If you have some time and want to figure it out for free, you can use one of the free save editors and learn how to most of the heavy lifting yourself. The more you are willing you pay, the easier it is to do. There are several save editors out there, some of which are not free to use. Back in the day I used to use an ASCII editor to change my DND stats from 18s to 24s lol and I thought that was amazing, wahooo storm giant strength on my little gnome Its amazing how game save editing/game genie has evolved over the years. Seasons are free of modded gear because you cannot edit the save via the Save Wizard program to add modded gear, you simply could not do that as the Advanced Feature of Save Wizard to do so is disabled by Save Wizard for the very purpose.