Visual studio code
Visual studio code

visual studio code

"indentRainbow.lightIndicatorStyleLineWidth": 1,

visual studio code

Here is an example configuration I like: // Using the light mode There is a (new) alternate mode that uses lines (with a customizable width) instead of the background coloring of the whitespace. Notice: errorColor was renamed from error_color in earlier versions. To be disabled this coloring set this to an empty string. The indent color when there is a mix between spaces and tabs. The indent color if the number of spaces is not a multiple of "tabSize". You can configure your own colors by adding and tampering with the following code: // Defining custom colors instead of default "Rainbow" for dark backgrounds. Notice: Defining both includedLanguages and excludedLanguages does not make much sense. "indentRainbow.updateDelay": 100 // 10 makes it super fast but may cost more resources The delay in ms until the editor gets updated. For which languages indent-rainbow should be deactivated (if empty it means none). "indentRainbow.includedLanguages": // for example ConfigurationĪlthough you can use it as it is, there is the possibility to configure some aspects of the extension: // For which languages indent-rainbow should be activated (if empty it means all). The visualization can help to find problems with the indentation in some situations. In addition, it visibly marks lines where the indentation is not a multiple of the tab size. It uses the current editor window tab size and can handle mixed tab + spaces (not recommended). Get it here: Visual Studio Code Marketplace Note: This will also work with vscode-web (v) since version 8.0.0. Some may find it helpful in writing code for Python, Nim, Yaml, and probably even filetypes that are not indentation dependent.

visual studio code

This extension colorizes the indentation in front of your text, alternating four different colors on each step. If you use this plugin a lot, please consider a donation: Indent-Rainbow A simple extension to make indentation more readable

Visual studio code