Then press the “Enter” key on your keyboard when finished to move to the next item. To apply a multilevel list in Word, type the first item within the list.

This list style lets you easily create an agenda or other formal outline. You can apply a multilevel list in Word to outline topics within a list.

You can affect indenting, line spacing, as well as line and page breaks. The “Paragraph” dialog will give you further, more fine-grained control. To access that click on the icon at the bottom corner of the paragraph tab. There are many more options than are first apparent. This tab has several notable features including increase/decrease indent, line spacing, borders, and more. You can control paragraph behavior and appearance using the “Paragraph” tab. We’ll first spend some time discussing paragraph controls, such as justification, line spacing, and we’ll conclude the lesson with how to control and format various list and list styles in Word 2013. We’ll also briefly discuss shading and borders but the primary focus of the end of Lesson 2 will be lists: bulleted, numbered, and multilevel. Today, we’re going to stay in the same area of documenting formatting, namely the “Home” tab, but move over to the “Paragraph” section, so we can cover how to play around with the way type appears and behaves on the page. Then we wrapped it up with a brief discussion of templates. We also showed you what the deal is between typefaces and fonts, as well as how to change fonts, i.e. Yesterday, we spent the first lesson discussing Word’s Ribbon, page layout, and how to set up various page marks like tabs and margins. Working with Pictures, Shapes, and Graphics.