When first introduced, Shu is a rather withdrawn teenage boy who usually keeps to himself, spending most of his time surfing the net and watching Egoist videos. ~ Part of Shu's opening monologue, highlighting his submissive nature and lack of social skills And that's how I've made all my pseudo-friendships. So, I hide my anxiety and go along with whatever they say. I never know what to say to other people. In Lost Christmas, he appears as a 7 years old child with the same features are the main story, except he doesn't have his blond streak and is a cowlick instead, which may hint that his streak is dyed.Īm I really dense? I just feel like my mind works out of step from everyone else's. He is 17 years old and stands at 5 feet 7 inches. Shu's hair greatly resembles that his father, Kurosu. He also gained the Apocalypse Virus on the right side of his face (1st Stage of Apocalypse Virus). In Episode 17, he lost his right arm which was replaced with his Void in Episode 19 after injecting himself with the third Void Genome ampule. Since he acted as the King of his school (motivated after seeing Hare die in his arms), he wore a green coat, a scarf, a white t-shirt, black pants, and a chain. For his time with the Undertakers, he wore their standard uniform. He has brown hair with a blond streak forming from the crown and maroon/red eyes that occasionally appear blood-red. Shu is usually seen wearing his school uniform.